

May 06, 2023

Air quality alert issued in Colorado amid unhealthy ozone levels

FILE PHOTO: Denver metropolitan area ozone pollution.

The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) has issued and air quality alert, or an Ozone Action Day Alert, amid ozone levels that are considered unhealthy for sensitive groups.

According to the department, the alert is in place for the southern and western portions of the Denver Metro area including Douglas, Jefferson, western Arapahoe, western Adams, Broomfield, Boulder, Larimer, and Weld Counties.

The alert ends at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, but officials are encouraging some Coloradans to avoid outdoor activities until after 8:00 p.m.

"In these areas active children and adults, and people with lung disease, such as asthma, should reduce prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion from noon to 8 PM. Elsewhere throughout the Front Range, Moderate concentrations of ozone are expected, and should consider reducing prolonged or heavy outdoor exertion from noon until 8 p.m. on Tuesday."

According to CDPHE, air pollution can have an impact on the health of all Coloradans.

"Exposure can cause acute respiratory problems and trigger asthma attacks. During Ozone Action Alerts, avoid rigorous outdoor activity during the heat of the day. Prolonged exposure can cause long-lasting damage to your lungs," the department said.

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It gets old seeing these headlines, please stop put Colorado in the headline when it really is only the front range. The rest of Colorado isn't Denver or the front range. We try not to even associate with them

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